How to get the most out of conferences | Wilderness Edge
How to get the most out of conferences | Wilderness Edge

You get out of a conference what you put into one. If your guests are not sure why they’re going or are not sure of what you want them to get out of the experience then it’s likely they won’t get it. This blog is our perspective on confe...

Whiteshell park conference facilities | Wilderness Edge
Whiteshell park conference facilities | Wilderness Edge

When considering holding an event centrally, Manitoba is the natural choice.

Facilities to Help You Host Your Retreat | Wilderness Edge
Facilities to Help You Host Your Retreat | Wilderness Edge

For about half the price of a hotel, you can hire our team of fun, creative planners, cooks, and outdoor fanatics

Retreat facilities to help you host your group event | Wilderness Edge
Retreat facilities to help you host your group event | Wilderness Edge

For about half the price of a hotel, you can hire our team of fun, creative planners, cooks and outdoor fanatics.

Winnipeg's Hidden Gem: Discovering Conference Excellence | Wilderness Edge
Winnipeg's Hidden Gem: Discovering Conference Excellence | Wilderness Edge

In the heart of Manitoba's bustling event scene, there is a hidden gem, a venue that stands out as a beacon in a wilderness setting just one hour from Winnipeg. Welcome to Wilderness Edge Retreat and Conference Centre, where nature's beauty

Group Retreats with Friends | Wilderness Edge
Group Retreats with Friends | Wilderness Edge

Learn how Retreat Organizers partner with Wilderness Edge Event Specialists to deliver exceptional experiences to their guests.

Group interest from | Wilderness Edge
Group interest from | Wilderness Edge

We’re an all-inclusive retreat and conference center with an easy-to-access location, beautiful waterfront scenery, ministry-minded ownership, spacious facilities, many recreational activities, and more. We can handle your event needs..

Making the most of Manitoba's recreational trails | Wilderness Edge
Making the most of Manitoba's recreational trails | Wilderness Edge

On a chilly fall morning, Ruth Marr helps pack bikes for the first MRTA (Manitoba Recreational Trails Association) Border to Beaches Tour. Border to Beaches, or B2B, is a 370 km long portion of the TCT which comprises the world’s largest...

Choose a venue like a pro by following these simple steps | Wilderness Edge
Choose a venue like a pro by following these simple steps | Wilderness Edge

Choosing a venue for your upcoming event can be a daunting task, especially if you’ve never done it before. Here are some tips to help bring focus to the most important points.